Thursday, August 5, 2010

Usefulness of Cause and Effect Reading

What I found useful about the Cause and Effect reading is that it helps me improve my ability to identify the difference between the cause and effect. I learned that the effect results from the cause so in order for the effect to be true, the cause also needs to be true. Here is an example:

Cause: Mary did not do her essay yesterday
Effect: Mary’s grade dropped

Because Mary did not do her homework, it is very likely that she will receive a lower grade. Both the cause and effect is true. One can see that it’s impossible for the cause to have been true and the effect to be false. It doesn’t make sense if the effect is “Mary’s grade went up” because the essay is always an important assignment of her grade so if she did not do the essay, it had to be true that her grade has plunged. Well, unless she is bribing her teacher to raise her grade, then the effect “Mary’s grade went up” would be true but who would do that ?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely have to agree with you on how the cause and effect reading helped "improve our ability" to determine the difference between cause and effect. I always tended to assume that it was common knowledge that in order for the effect to be true, the cause also needed to be true however I never knew that for a fact;100 percent until I saw it in the reading. I am glad that validated my own knowledge on it so I now know the truth.
    I like your example on Mary and her not completing her essay which caused her grade to dropped and then how you went into further detail as to why the cause and effect are both true.
