Thursday, August 12, 2010

Something For Further Discussion

I think something that could use further discussion would be the section where the book introduces truth tables. From what I have read, the truth tables are used to determine the validity of a particular claim. However, the truth tables were pretty frustrating to me because there were too many symbols to remember. There are actually four different symbols used to represent the following words: and, or not, and if… then…. Sometimes I would forget which symbols stand for which word and then I had to flip back to the beginning of the chapter to look over the symbols again. Also, I had trouble understanding how to read the tables as they can be confusing at times. A specific thing I didn’t really get is the tautology because the explanation and the definition were pretty vague. I think it will be much better if truth tables and how to analyze them could be further discussed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I agree with you that the truth tables were very difficult to understand. Also, I do not think I would be able to memorize the symbols and terminology that the truth tables used. It does not really follow a common logic, but something that you just have to know yourself. Basically you have to memorize what the symbols represent and what they each mean. Like you said, the table can indeed be confusing at times. What helped me was reading other people’s response to this section. I was able to grab a better grasp of the concept from more simplified examples of the truth tables. But yeah I agree with you that this was definitely one of the more confusing sections in the book.
