Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Like and Dislike?

My favorite thing about this class was being able to read over other students’ blogs because it was pretty interesting to see what they wrote about while leaving actual feedback or comments for them to look at. I also enjoyed the blogging thing because it helps me to improve both my communication and writing skills since everyone has to post at least three times to their blog every week. In addition, we also had to post three comments to different people’s blog. I think that’s a lot of writing to do; in fact, it’s like writing an essay every week but to be honest, I actually enjoyed it. The more I write, the better my writing skills will become! As for my least favorite thing, it would be the group projects. Group projects are very complicated when they are done online because of technical issues and problems with people procrastinating. I’d rather work alone because I can get things done on my own time without having to wait on other group members to send their work in. It’s very frustrating when one member in the group waits until the last minute to get the work done. I think this class can be improved if group projects are canceled so that everyone can do their own work.

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