Saturday, June 19, 2010

Communicating in Small Groups and Teams

In the text, “The Essential Guide to Group Communication”, I found Chapter 1 which is entitled “Foundations of Communicating in Small Groups and Teams” to be very interesting. I really like the saying, “two heads are better than one”. This statement is very true because two or more people working together can help solve problems faster compared to only one person working alone. Sometimes working by yourself can be very hard since it takes a while to get things done. Furthermore, whenever you’re stuck or having trouble on something, your team members will be there to guide you or even give you suggestions on how to solve that problem. You can also develop your communication skills while working in groups because you will have the opportunity to talk and share your ideas with your team members.. Overall, I think that groups are very beneficial to our success especially in the future when we are taking part in the workplace.

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