Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Truth Tables

According to the text, compound claims can be used to analyze arguments. The four phrases “and, or, not, if..then…” are used to create compound claims. Special symbols are used to represent each word. Sometimes we may not be sure whether a compound claim is true or false so for us to be able to check for its validity, we need to use special symbols and truth tables. Take for example a claim that involves the use of the word, “and”:

Michael is a doctor and Nancy is a nurse.

Symbol: Michael is a doctor ^ Nancy is a nurse

How do we determine the validity of this claim? When will it be true? The only way for this statement to be true is for both parts “Michael is a doctor” and “Nancy is a nurse” to be true. This is known as a conjunction claim in which both parts need to be true in order for the claim to be true. Otherwise it would be false. For example, if either one of the parts “Michael is a doctor” and “Nancy is a nurse” is false, then the claim will end up being a false statement. Truth tables that can be seen in the textbook are used to illustrate this example.


  1. The use of symbols in the Truth Tables section reminds me of a science fiction book my brother loved when he was in high school. It had to do with a scientist who discovered that he could move into different dimensions by designing the correct symbolic logic pattern. He could re-program his brain so that it received stimuli from another world.

    Of course the symbols used were much more complex than we have here. One spell started sort of like "If a is not not b and q is not not q..."

    The truth tables are very interesting.

  2. I agree with Myoho Woman. The use of the symbols remind me of science fiction, flow charts and/or geometry all in one!! This does sort of seem a bit sci-fi!! Ha, ha!!

    This is a very interesting yet confusing subject! The last time I remember using these symbols was in my younger days. I won't say when! :o) But I have to say that the truth-tables are good because they can be used as shortcuts rather than typing the whole word. Sometimes we aren't sure if a compound claim is true or false so we need these formulas to be able to check what it is. For example, a conjunction claim is true when both parts are true or else it will be false. And the disjunction is false if both parts are false or else it is true. Okay. It makes sense once we break it down and learn each definition one by one.
